Wednesday, April 21, 2010

'Gimik 2010: The Reunion' will start to air on April 25

AFTER more than 10
years, the much awaited reunion of the
well-loved original teen barkada will
happen on April 25 as ABS-CBN launches
its newest 'Your Song' offering, 'GIMIK 2010.'

From the highly-watched Saturday series
'Gimik,' which was aired 14
years ago, 5 of the original cast
members - Judy Ann Santos, Diether
Ocampo, Bojo Molina, G Toengi, and Mylene Dizon
- reunite in 'GIMIK
where twists and surprises are added to spice up the series even

Under the direction of Erick Salud, a
new story of friendship blooms as the
original characters carry on with their
lives as friends. The new batch will be
shaped by fresh faces gracing the small
screens as they prove themselves worthy
of stardom: Jessy Mendiola, Lance
Christopher, Franco Daza, Kazuo Nawa,
Jaco Benin, Kenji Shirakawa, Janeena
Chan, Hanna Flores, Daniel Padilla, Albie Casino, Mara Montes and Marian

The concept of the Gimik reunion started
with a real get together of the original
cast and staff of the 1996 Saturday
series which happened last year. Through
a famous social networking site, the
original Gimik group was able to keep in
touch with each member. The event
sparked the idea of 'GIMIK

'Gimik,' the Saturday series
that was directed by Laurenti Dyogi,
aired for nearly 3 years on ABS-CBN.
Star Cinema came up with 'Gimik: The Reunion' movie 2 months after
the show went off air.

Prep up as the grandest teen-barkada
reunion, 'GIMIK 2010' hits the
boob tube starting April 25, Sunday, on ABS-CBN after ASAP XV.

Here's the full trailer:

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1 comments: on "'Gimik 2010: The Reunion' will start to air on April 25"

Anonymous said...

laos nato!!

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